Prepared Pursuant to Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act

1. Introduction and Identity

This report is produced by Power Bus Way Ltd. for the financial reporting year ended February 29, 2024 (the “Reporting Period”) and outlines the steps taken to prevent and reduce the risk of forced labour and child labour within our supply chain. This report has been prepared and filed in compliance with Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (the “Act”).

2. Steps Taken During the Reporting Period to Prevent and Reduce Risks of Forced Labour and Child Labour

During the reporting period, Power Bus Way Ltd. was primarily engaged with large, reputable suppliers located in North America, where forced labour and child labour risks are generally considered minimal. While no formal actions have been taken to date regarding the monitoring of these risks, the company believes its reliance on these reputable suppliers reduces the likelihood of forced or child labour being present. Nevertheless, we are aware of our responsibility to ensure compliance across the entire supply chain, and in the coming year, we plan to implement more formal processes to address potential risks, particularly focusing on suppliers located outside North America.

3. Structure, Activities and Supply Chains

Structure: Power Bus Way Ltd. is a cable bus manufacturing company operating in Canada, providing high-quality electrical products to various industries.

Activities: The company is involved in the design, production, and sale of electrical busway systems used in commercial and industrial applications.

Supply Chains: Our supply chains are primarily based in North America. We source materials and components from well-established, reputable suppliers. However, we have a few suppliers based in China, where we plan to undertake additional due diligence in the near future.

4. Policies and Due Diligence Processes

At present, Power Bus Way Ltd. has not implemented formal policies or due diligence processes specific to forced or child labour. However, we plan to establish comprehensive policies over the next year to address these concerns, particularly for non-North American suppliers. We are committed to reviewing our supply chains to ensure that all products are sourced ethically and without the use of forced or child labour.

5. Parts of Business and Supply Chains with Forced Labour and Child Labour Risks and Steps Taken to Assess and Manage These Risks

We acknowledge that there may be potential risks associated with suppliers outside North America, specifically in regions like China. As part of our future steps, we plan to conduct a thorough risk assessment of these suppliers to identify any forced or child labour concerns and take necessary actions to mitigate them.

6. Remediation Measures

Since no instances of forced or child labour have been identified within our supply chain during this reporting period, no remediation measures were required. However, should any such issues arise in the future, Power Bus Way Ltd. will take immediate corrective action, including potential termination of contracts with offending suppliers.

7. Remediation of Loss of Income to the Most Vulnerable Families

Power Bus Way Ltd. did not identify any need for remediation related to the loss of income for vulnerable families, as no cases of forced or child labour were identified during the reporting period.

8. Employee Training

Power Bus Way Ltd. has not yet implemented training programs specific to forced or child labour. However, as part of our future due diligence efforts, we intend to develop and deliver targeted training to our employees to ensure they are equipped to recognize and address these issues.

9. Assessing Effectiveness in Ensuring that Forced Labour and Child Labour are not Being Used in Entity’s Business and Supply Chain

We are in the early stages of formalizing our approach to managing forced and child labour risks within our supply chain. As part of our ongoing efforts, we will establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of our policies and procedures once they are implemented.

10. Approval and Attestation

In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the Report for the entity listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the Report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the Reporting Period listed above.

The Report was approved pursuant to Section 11(4)(a) of the Act by the Board of Directors of Power Bus Way Ltd. on September 6, 2024.